Does anyone know if there is a way to have a text message sent when an event is created? I have a family that rarely uses email but uses texting almost exclusively.
HI @CA1013,
Currently TroopTrack only allows for email notifications to be sent out when creating events.
David Keener
No, there is no automated option to do that. I suppose one solution would be to enter their provider e-mail to text address as their e-mail address however with the limitation of characters for text messages there would be horrible results for how it would look when they got the messages. We started just sending text messages out to everyone after important e-mail updates are sent basically saying “Check you e-mail for an important notification from the unit” It is one more thing for us to do and still requires them to look at their e-mail so not perfect. Unfortunately there is no way to please everyone, we make in person announcements at meetings and have e-mail notifications followed by text messages for important information, at some point we just need to say this is how we work, if that doesn’t work for you then perhaps our unit is not the right fit for you.