Notification Email Settings

We’re having issues with parents and “spam.” Some of our parents are saying they’re getting individual notifications whenever any progress in anything is recorded. It’s strange because some parents, including me, aren’t getting those notifications at all. I would like to find out what’s going on and how to change settings so that parents can get what they want–whatever it is they want (immediate and individual–to absolutely none of one type or all notifications).

Would the “Newsletter” function be our best bet? Would that move all our notifications to a monthly or weekly digest of… (forgive my eloquence)… stuff?

Hi @KathleenSchexnayder,

Individuals can change their preferences to what notifications they want to get. This can be changed by them clicking on their name, “your profile” and then clicking on the “settings” tab. From there they can customize what notifications to get.

If you want to ensure that everyone is up to date on the same information, then the newsletter is the best way to do that. This can be configured by clicking on “communicate”, “settings” (at the very bottom of the communicate drop down list) and then clicking on “newsletter settings”. There you can have a newsletter go out weekly, or monthly to have all of your stuff on it.

This will pull information automatically from TroopTrack depending on what boxes are selected.


David Keener