Emails from TT not sending - remain in QM Scheduled State

It appears emails are not sending from TT. Please see attached. Last email that was sent was yesterday 11:16am Eastern. One a few hours later was unsent as of 30 minutes ago so I attempted a resend. Emails today remain in Scheduled state. Posting here so people can check and make sure their emails are working.

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Hi All - I have same issues in TT, emails are queue’ d up with status as “QM Scheduled”. We have many emails clogged up. Let us know your thoughts.


Its broken on both of my sites too. Since 8/16-current.

Our e-mails are not working either.

Same with ours any fix yet?

Ours are not sending either. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon!

Same. For at least 24 hours.

@AaronStorey, @dave SOS

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This has been fixed. See more here: Email Delivery Has Resumed