Event roster for turning in to facility

When we attend a camp or other BSA event, we are required to turn in a roster. Your attendance sheet is partially there. We usually have to include an emergency contact number for each attendee and sometimes other info like phone numbers, addresses and email addresses. Can we add these items to the attendance sheet column options?

Also if we could export to a csv, that would be helpful.


Yeah, I was looking at how to create a custom report that will look like a roster. I haven’t figured out how to get started yet though.

Any luck? This seems like it would be a fairly useful feature, i.e. printing out a roster for a campout. Anyway to ask Trooptrack directly?

This is how to contact trooptrack. They seem to put priority on items that a lot of people like as being something higher in demand. I don’t think a lot of users know this.

I seem to remember that they are in the midst of a major revamp and have not addressed some of these type of requests in a while. That is unfortunate as one of the reasons we chose trooptrack was the responsiveness.

I apologize for the lack of responsiveness. We are a pretty small company, just our developer (Spencer) and myself, for the most part, so it can sometimes take us awhile to get to everything.

I am going to talk to Spencer today about adding things like emergency contacts and other info to the attendance sheet. However, any changes won’t be immediate, as he would need to figure out how to do it, test for bugs, and then wait for any changes to be approved on the live site. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience.

For urgent matters or immediate questions, the best way to reach us is at support@trooptrack.com. But @rdensing is correct… We tend to implement features based on user feedback and how much response they get on the Community. Since we only have one developer to implement everyone’s suggestions, we have to have some way of prioritizing those changes, since he simply cannot do all of them.