FIXED: Attachments on Calendar entries not working

The attachments to a calendar entry will not open in email. when I went back into the entry the attachment block created were blank.

I’m not having any luck reproducing this problem.

Thx- I think it’s an issue with my computer.

I really appreciate your commitment in helping solve issues and improvements from Troop Track users. Not just with this Beta test but also over the years.

Saying that: I was at a meeting for our Troop278 (Stevensville (Kent Island ), MD) last night. The new adult in charge of accounts in TroopTrack deleted some youth accounts. One of these account is in contention with the youths parent. Is there any way to recover information that may have been backed up on your end?

Janine Conway

CC. Bob Rosekrans, Committee Chair Troop 278

@jlconway Could you send an email to with the deleted youths name? Youth accounts are soft-deleted and are restorable. That’s not the case with everything though.

We recommend de-activating accounts instead of deleting them.


Also thank you @jlconway!