FIXED: Calendar View on computer

Calendar is a big problem on computer view- screen shot attached for all points

  1. Can’t see Month title name.
  2. Must be able to see full month on screen (month at a glace) only half months showing up on screen.
  3. Can’t read entries event titles though highlighted colors. On old TT the print was done in white type font on the dark color highlights, and Black on the light colors yellow, gray. Now all is thin font black. Please remember many leaders are older and need clear large and strong typeface.
  4. Hard to tell when moved from month to month ( maybe month name in different color then header) -
  5. Need the easy and clear review/details of the event Top writing being cut off. This gets used a lot in planning for each event )
  6. would also be helpful if the calendar blocks had a little more darken outline.

How’s this?

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I noticed today that all of the times in our calendar for every event have been changed. I figured there would be hiccups in the beta, but I don’t see the ability to edit anything in the calendar. Am I just missing it…?

I also think the gridlines on the calendar should have more contrast with the background. It is harder to read.

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Much better with white type face- But the time is in bold; could the description word be bold as well. (thin type face harder to read - Times read well)

Thanks @KualaBierlein. I’ll be sure to verify we are using timezones correctly here.

Now that we have themes, the themes will drive the color of the gridlines.

@jlconway I’ve made the titles bold. It should be live on the beta site by morning.