Have all of our existing problem tickets been moved in here or do I need to readd them?

I’ve got about a dozen or so trouble tickets open between the Pack and Troop. Do I need to add them here or were they automatically created?

Ditto - do we need to repopulate this with bug/suggestions?

We haven’t completely decided what to do with those yet. We are still working through them, but there are about 800 feature requests we haven’t decided on yet. It won’t hurt to add them in the forums - if you get support from other users it could result in them being worked sooner.

My problem is they are’t feature requests, they are bugs that make parts of the system unusable, or at best cumbersome to use. Many haven’t been commented on in months, even after I’ve posted comments asking for a status update. It would be nice if some of the bugs were fixed before new features are added. Here’s a summary of things I’m waiting on. Sometimes I’ll find an item has been fixed but the ticket not updated, that’s also a problem since I’ll avoid a feature if I think it’s broken.

From the Pack
12125 - once an event is created you can’t modify the attendees
12219 - pagination, this might be corrected now
12222 - lost a report I used frequently with no good substitute

From the Troop
11369 - Board of Review worksheet, information in the header is wrong or cutoff
11550 - Rank Progress Report - data truncation when creating PDF (worse now, now it crashes when you attempt to export a PDF)
11551 - Rank Progress Report - pagination problem
12300 - Board of Review worksheet - no reason for SM Conf Signature if already signed off
12341 - Individual Progress Report - data formatting issues that make is less than useful

I think all of those would be good candidates for the bug forums. Things that get more hearts & comments will get pushed higher up the queue. I’m sorry for the hassle - we really are doing our best to figure out how to provide good customer service without going broke.

Does this mean that the existing “problems” list is no longer being used? Frustrating having to reenter them and put them back on the list since they’ve already been “on the list” some for 7+ months but OK. The really annoying ones are the Board of Review worksheet showing inaccurate information.

If they are on the list there is no need to re-add them here. The list is over 200 items long but Spencer and Ryan are working through it.

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