IA Report

We had a question the other day with IA report.

Scout had the Auquanut complete with a date. Awarded was blank, recognized was blank, Purchased was blank, and reported to Council was blank.

Awards (Completed at the same time) with this Scout and others were uploaded to Scoutbook with IA report. The others had awarded date and recognized checked. They have the Reported to Council date that matches the IA reports.

Something inside TroopTrack flags the award to be added to IA Report. Does anyone know what flags the archivments to be added to the IA report?

BTW, I do IT for a living. Yes I am bragging I am a nerd but that is not really bragging. I am very impressed. It is a lot better than a lot of the big name/big cost software we used over the years. Keep up the good work.

Perhaps there is something incorrect about how this Advancement is input on the back end. For any active Advancements the flags are date in completed and no date in reported to council.