I have 11 Scouts who have earned their Arrow of Light rank, we have marked it completed in TT, shows 100%, there is no date in Reported to Council field, however they are not pulling up in IA2.0 Advancement Report when I select create a new report.
Hey @dave any idea when this might be fixed? The boys that have earned AoL are bridging the end of this month and their new Troops are all ready having them fill out Applications for the transfers. I need to submit their advancements soon and don’t want to have to do it manually in IA2.0.
Sorry I didn’t notice this one @AaronStorey. It should work now.
@dave, I am still not seeing the Arrow of Light Rank pulling up when I create a new report.
Fun times. Can you post a link to a scout with the award please so I can figure this out?
Thanks @AaronStorey. Can you try it again?
Thank you, Thank you. Now I see my Arrow of Light Rank Recipients.
Well @dave perhaps not 100% fixed. They pull up in the TT report but according to this post they won’t upload to IA2.0. I had not tried it yet.
Thanks. I had it categorized wrong. Please recreate the report and try it again.
I just tried it and it still will not upload to IA 2.0, it shows rank 22 in the text file but IA2.0 doesn’t like that. I get the same thing @dschmitt1996 posted: Invalid advancementID of type rank: 22
Invalid advancementID of type rank: 22
Try changing “rank” to “award” on that line.
Yep, successfully uploaded to IA2.0, will have to wait until after 5pm to make sure it took it but it did upload with no errors.
I looked back at some of my old files and had one with a “rank” which was Bobcat so they classify some as “rank” and some as “award” is this only AoL that is “award”?
@dave, I confirmed it was accepted properly in IA 2.0 and completed as an “award”
I just went into IA2.0 and AoL is a Rank, even though they are not accepting it as a Rank from the text import. When doing the Award import the Scout is not updated with AoL Rank. I will look in the scouting.org discussion group to see if there is anything listed there about this.
@dave Ok I did some testing and there is an Arrow of Light Award, award 22, as well as Arrow of Light Rank, rank 12. I couldn’t really find anything on BSA Advancement about the award and it doesn’t show up in Scoutbook.com, so perhaps it is a holdover from the pre 2016 program. All that to say if you can update Arrow of Light Rank with rank 12 then we will all be good to submit that correctly for our AoL Scouts.
Thanks @AaronStorey. I updated the AOL rank to have an ID of 12. This should be good going forward.