Import data from ScoutMaster application

I would like to know if troop track can import records from the ScoutMaster program?

I’m not familiar with the “ScoutMaster program.” Can you please post a link so I can look into it?


yes, i will get with our scout leader. thank you

Hey Matt, I have found that my scout master is using the ScoutMaster
program but he keeps his program in sync with the BSA database for all the
different levels of scouting in our area. Does Troop Tracker connect to the
BSA database? I need to find a solution to import all the data that my
scoutmaster has as on a standalone program. I asked him today if his
program is syncing with BSA database, then I need to see if Troop Tracker
can connect to BSA database so I can import ALL data for my scouts in my


Hi @KellyTucker1,

You can import data from the BSA and electronically report advancement to the council with our TuboNET features.

https://cB-) do I get this username and password? Thanks

You will get your advancement ID and Password from your council. It’s what you use to report advancement electronically through Scoutnet.