Leaders are not showing up on the invitation for an event

I have had multiple issues with leaders who I have invited to an event not showing up on the event.

For instance, I have invited specific people to our camp, but they are not showing as invited, and therefore cannot RSVP. In addition, when I invite anyone labeled as an “Assistant Unit Leader” or a “Unit Leader” to an event, none of those leaders are showing up as invited. Please help. :slight_smile:

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Hi @MichelleCrowder,

I was able to recreate the issue with certain leadership positions not inviting people in your Troop and have reported it to the tech team.

Once they have it fixed, then I’ll reach out here on this thread and let you know.


David Keener

I also ran into this issue; I am trying to set up calendar events for committee members, and only send invites to those on the committee. I’ve added a leadership role of “Committee Member” to everyone on committee, and created an invite with just “Committee Member” selected. It does not send out the invites to anyone.

Is there another way to set up an event for just a specific group of leaders that would work better? We have a large pack, so I’d rather not include all adults on all events.

With the ability to add Leaders to multiple Dens/Patrols I went ahead and tested a “Leaders” Den and added a couple test user accounts to this Den. It seems that works correctly when I set up the event for that Specific Den. Do you foresee any issues if we create a Den for Committee Members, and another Den for All Leaders and use these Dens to target our Calendar invites?

Hi everyone,

The tech team was able to fix the issue that leaders weren’t being invited to an event. Now when you invite users by their leadership position they’ll be invited to the event.


David Keener