Mail to scouts and their parents

When I send an email to scouts in the troop, I would like to automatically include their parents. This was something that was easy to configure in TroopMaster, but I can’t find the equivalent here.

Note that I do not want to manually select the parent magic mailing list or the parents of the particular scouts. If I send a message to a particular patrol, I’d like to be able to have it also sent to the parents of those scouts only.

Can this be done at all in TroopTrack?

Hi @rbroberts,

Thanks for using the TroopTrack Community!

If you go to Manage > Settings > Edit Troop Settings and click the “TroopTrack Settings” Tab, you will see under “Email Settings” that there is a “Copy parents on all scouts emails” checkbox. If that is checked, and parents have email addresses and are in their household, this should work just fine.

Let me know if you have any more questions!


Excellent! Thanks for the quick reply!