That's Great, but How do I Get People on the Counselor List?
Anyone who counsels a merit badge will be included on the list. So how do you add a merit badge? Just go to their profile from the Manage badge or using the Members tab on Quick Nav as I show below:
A very long list of merit badges will appear. Check the box next to each one counseled by the member and click the save button at the very bottom. This member will now be on the counselor list.
notice you are not on the mbc tab. when on that tab there is NOT an edit button. I am the secretary of our troop I have a mac so am totally stumped as why I am unable to input data for our troop
You will need the privilege “Manage Troop Members” to manage and edit Merit Badge Counselors. Ask your troop leadership to give you that privilege and you will be all set.
I gave that priv to our Advancement Chair, who tracks our 100+ MBC, and she still was not able to do this. She had basic Household role set, and then I added Manage Troop Member. Only after I moved her from the Household role to the Unit role was she able to edit MBC. Thoughts?
It depends on who you were trying to have her edit. If she had household access she could only do that for her household. Access level determines what you can see and make changes to so with Unit access, she should be able to do this to all the scouts.
Is there a way that AHG troops can have this Merit Badge Counselor feature?
I know we don’t have merit badge counselors, per se, but we do have parents with unique skill sets and I think this would be a great way to track that. Maybe call it Badge Advisors, Assistants, or Specialists, or something similar?
It would be great if we could assign youth to be Badge Advisors, too. Or if there is someone who is not a member of the troop who could work on a badge (e.g., a member of the host church).
If you could make this as a new idea and put it under the ideas category then that would help us to see how many people would be interested in this feature.
Could removing a merit badge counselor from this impact advancements for scouts in any way? In other words, if they received the merit badge from this particular counselor would removing that counselor somehow remove or impact their record in TroopTrack?
I don’t know for sure but I can’t imagine it would. The rest of the advancement would still show completed, just this one data field would be removed. This would have zero impact on any official record since MB counselor is not uploaded to BSA when doing advancement uploads, this is just for in Troop tracking.
I have to assume that TroopTrack was coded knowing that merit badge counselors would stop being counselors at some point. So what is the purpose of the merit badge counselor list? I assumed it was for Scouts to identify a local merit badge counselor. If that is true then we should be able to keep that list up-to-date by removing counselors. What do you use it for in your Troop and what do you do with former MB counselors?
But you make a good point about official BSA records. I am new to my Troop so I’ll have to ask what would their concern would be if the MB counselor field was “blank” for a Scout’s record (why would that matter?).
I have seen where some things in TT the individual record can hold information that is removed from the system overall so the field may still hold the name, I just have not tested in that much depth. Honestly I do not use it, I tested it out a bit but didn’t see any benefit of it so just didn’t move forward using it. I would imagine there may be units out there that do and may even love it, perhaps someone who uses it will see this post and respond. There are many features of TT that are that way. That is one of the great things about TT, it has so many features built in that different groups can decide what are important features for them.