Mass deactivate scouts and households?

Is there a way to deactivate multiple scouts and their parents at once? Right now I have to go into every account for scouts that have graduated out and deactive both them and their parents one by one. With 20 scouts, that is 60 individual deactivations.

Thank you.


Hi @hheiber,

Thank you for using the TroopTrack Community!

Right now there isn’t a way to do mass deactivations. Doing them one-by-one can be a pretty quick process though. If you go to Manage > Dens, you can create a new den to put all of the people you want to deactivate in, then you click on the names, press deactivate, confirm, and it takes you right back so you can do the next person. It’s not ideal for that many people, but it’s not a terribly long process.

Hope that helps!

We are the same way!! This would be a lovely feature. Or even a way to deactivate a household would help tremendously!

Yes. Another approach I took to make it easier was to go into the Scout record, and then right click on each parent and open them in a new tab. Then I could deactivate everyone in the household at once without having to search for them in the Den list or move them around.


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