Meeting emails invalid link

Hi I made a test event with a test invitee. Set an announcement and saved the event. Received notification of event in the email (to test invitee). Link worked.

Then sent an event email to no response attendees. The event link in the email doesn’t work. Just never connects to anything online.

Did it twice. Same results.

Hi @SteveJambor,

I tested this out myself, and wasn’t able to re-create the problem. I got the email, as a no response invitee, and the link took me to TroopTrack to RSVP.

What exactly is happening with yours when you click the link to RSVP?


David Keener

Hi. Ill retest. I had some problems later that forced me to shut down, so maybe the problem was happening then. It never connected to the site. just the circle icon.