Minor updates (12/15/2015)

Before we tell you what we just released, here's something important you should know:

Uploading multiple photos using Safari or Chrome on iOS is NOT working and is causing duplicates. If you attempt to upload 6 multiple photos, for example, it will simply upload the first photo you selected 6 times. Please let your users know so they can avoid frustration. We are working on a fix for this problem.

This morning we released three updates for issues reported by users:

1) If you printed a very large number of award cards you could get an error. This problem is fixed.

2) When you send event messages you can choose to send it to people with a particular RSVP status (coming, not coming, not responded, etc). If you happened to select a status that no one had chosen, the email would still go out, but only to you. We've changed it so that instead of sending a pointless email, TroopTrack tells you that no one has RSVP'd with the status you selected.

3) When you use the TurboNET roster import or TurboNET advancement report we display a list of users with no BSA ID number in TroopTrack. This list was hard to read, so we divided it into three columns for scouts, leaders, and other.