Good morning,
I added this in another site, but under the Feedback area may be more appropriate.
I realize from the latest announcement, updates may be slower, but please add this to your list.
Royal Rangers has added two new skill merits to the program. Can these be added into Troop Track:
Discovery Ranger Skill Merit: Basic Chemistry - the link below has the requirements to add to Troop Track:
Adventure Ranger Skill Merit or Achievement: Blacksmith Basics - the link below has the requirements:
Thank you very much. Have a great day.
- Robbie Speicher, Royal Rangers Outpost 9, Maryland
I added this in another location, but here may be better also:
Here is an additional item of feedback for the Royal Rangers section - a change request for Royal Rangers Advancement steps.
In Troop Track, the Discovery Ranger Silver Eagle requirements say 12 Elective Skill Merits.
However, Royal Rangers requires only 11 Elective Skill Merits for Silver Eagle.
See the below link for documentation for this change request:
Thanks again,
Robbie Speicher, Outpost 9
@dave @Tyler,
Here is a post about a change to Royal Rangers Skill Merits. Thanks.
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Another update request for Royal Rangers. Under “other” when adding a “New Achievement” for a boy, could you add, “Junior Leadership Foundations”. Here is documentation from the Royal Ranger website: Outpost Junior Leader Training | Royal Rangers USA
It’s really applicable to Discovery Ranger, Adventure Ranger, and Expedition Ranger age groups. That’s why I believe the best place is the “other” category.
Thanks so much. I know Troop Track was busy, so please get this one when you get to the other requests above Have a great day!
Just checking on these and I added three Royal Ranger Skill Merits that need an update in another section. Thanks.