New Video Configuring Emails and Email Lsts

Hi TroopTrack Community,

I’ve updated our video on managing mailing lists.

If this video isn’t answering your questions you can schedule a demo with me using my freebusy link.


David Keener

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If you choose Save as Draft instead of Send Message…from where do you access the draft you saved?? I can’t find an answer to this question anywhere…please help!

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Hi @MarieOlinger1,

If you “save a draft” then that draft will appear under “communicate” and “recent messages”.

There it will show as a draft rather than as being sent.


David Keener

Mine only shows a “recent text messages” options. I am not able to find my draft email.

Hi @TinaKhatchaturian,

You will need to be a leader and have the privileges of “manage troop members”.


David Keener