OA Report

I described a bug in the OA report here: Order of the Arrow Eligibility Report. Camping trips 4 nights long are ignored, when 3 of those nights should count toward to the “Other Nights.” I’ve made a fix for this bug, so it should go live soon. Probably some time next week.

More Details

Both “Nights” columns lump tent nights and cabin nights together. So for any event, the number of nights is cabin nights + tent nights.

  • Long-Term Camping Nights: If the person has at least one campout in the past two years that is 5 nights or more then this column will show 5, otherwise it will show 0.
  • Other Nights: This column shows the sum of all nights for campouts that lasted 3 nights or fewer.

The bug I mentioned above is that “Other Nights” should also count 3 nights from every 4-night camping trip.