OA Eligibility Report Not Including Outside Participation?

Is it possible the OA Eligilbility Report does not take into account outside participation nights? In a Scout’s profile it is possible to record outside service participation or other camping nights. This is is important for recording camping nights that are Scout related but not necessarily in our troop calendar. For example - camping while as a participant or staffing NYLT, transfers from other troops, participating in a Scouting activity with another troop or as a provisional Scout.

When I run the OA Eligibilty report a Scout that should show up based on her actual participation is not showing up. I can make sense of the numbers if I discount her Outside Participation in her Participation log. Screenshots are attached.

If this is truly the case - can this be changed?


So good news is due to adding another camping night to this particular Scout’s record, she became eligible through our troop. What I am saying is the scenario is flawed now but the question is still legitimate.

I will bring this up with TT admin, however since you know the Scout has the nights then the eligibility is established, so the report does not really matter at that point. I get the report makes things easier and unless there is a good reason for not including the outside participation it should show up on the report.