I would like TroopTrack to have the ability to print on BSA pocket certificates. Specifically:
Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts
These sheets are readily available at Scout Shops, and they make the Advancement Chair/Advancement Coordinator’s job so much easier! The system we previously used would even use a script font to print the den leader and Cubmaster’s signatures on the card. What used to take an hour or two to fill out cards by hand was reduced to 15 minutes, with no signatures needed. The system we previously used would only print the text that needed to go on the card, like the boy’s name, the adventure or rank earned, the date, and the signatures; the cards have all of the background graphics already on them.
I know there are several other sheets of pocket certificates available, but the ones above are likely to be the most used. If others are needed (like Firem’n Chit or Totin’ Chip) they could also be added.
With 80+ boys in our pack, this is something that we really cannot live without. It should be added sooner, rather than later. Every BSA unit would benefit from this capability.