I like the RSVP section and the fact that I can choose for myself and/or a guest. I would like to have two options added for better tracking.
First, TT separates the youth from the adults, please allow the section that showed who is going to be separated with the Youth going on top, and the adults going on the bottom and verbiage to clearly show the seperation. For example we have 17 Going + 0 Youth Guests + 0 Adult Guests = 17 Total
It would be more useful to have 14 Youth + 0 Youth Guest Going, list their names, then 3 Adults + 0 Adults Guest Going and list the adult names. It helps us plan better without having to go through each name and mentally verify that we have enough adults.
Second, it would also be nice to add the guest’s name. This will allow us to track them on the attendance sheet, and verify that we have all the necessary forms if needed, payment, and attendance.
+1 for adding the guests’ names. Cub Scouts are allowed and encouraged to bring family members and friends on their outings, and completing the final roster is a royal pain in the neck because even if we ask people to add that as a note, they forget to type in the names of their guests.
The current configuration creates more work for us in having to visually scan the list and then manually reach out to the families that took the time to RSVP, and create multiple email threads (and phone calls and pages because for SOME reason everyone has their own favorite way of being contacted and simply WON’T respond to email… )
Please devise a way to clearly request the names of guests or disallow them on the RSVP.