RSVPs automatically being entered for one member

We have one member for whom “yes” rsvp’s are erroneously being recorded for many events. She has not rsvp’d for these events.

Did you find an answer to your problem? We are currently experiencing a similar problem with a scout automatically RSVPing yes to all events.

If you have events that are setup without payments perhaps they are clicking the RSVP link from the e-mail and not even realizing they are completing an RSVP. Youth have the ability to RSVP themselves if they have a user account perhaps the youth is doing it and the parent does not realize. If you really believe there is some kind of bug then you would need to share as much information as possible, explain the situation in detail conversations you have had, any screen shots anything you have related to this and submit to, this Community is for users and is not monitored much by TT staff. The fact that the post from Oct 2020 never got a response leads me to believe no one else has experienced this so perhaps there was some other explanation.