Scouts Australia: New Program, Achievements, Badges

Hi there,

Scouts Australia has introduced a new program last year.

Can you help us implement it so we can keep using TroopTrack?

Thank you!

Hi @AdiTedjasukmana,

What is the program? Can you send documentation (like a pdf file) of this program so I can work on getting it added?


David Keener

Hi David,

I am still trying to get the documentation in pdf for you. Alternatively, I am happy to give you access to the new software that they are pushing us to use.



Hi @AdiTedjasukmana,

Is this a software they want y’all to use or does this have new badges and things as well?

Is it a combination of both?


David Keener

Hi David,

This is a web based app like Trooptrack that has been pushed to every group to track the youth achievements by the Scouts Australia. We do not have to use it but it has new badges and programs coming with it.



Hi @AdiTedjasukmana,

Okay, thank you for the clarification. The main thing TroopTrack is looking for is a sheet/file that would have all the new awards laid out with their individual requirements. That’s why a pdf file for all the new awards is preferable because then I can see each award and not have to be clicking back and forth between 2 programs and searching for the new awards.

Would the software have an easy way to view all the new awards and all the new requirements that go along with those awards?


David Keener