Show Cabin Camping nights on reports

Not sure if this would be a bug or an idea so I will post this as a question. How can I show the cabin camping nights on the participation tab of a Scouts record and on the Achieve->Hours, Nights, & Miles report. I recorded the cabin camping nights separately but there is no column for it on the scouts participation tab nor on the Hours, Nights, & Miles report. If I am recording it I would like to be able to see it. Maybe there is a setting or something. I don’t know. @sgaines …have you tried this?

Hi @Stevehassenzahl,

It’s a pretty new feature. I’ll ask someone to look into it.

Thank you.


Sorry, no I haven’t. Sounds like @mlsully2002 is on top of it.



@mlsully2002, any progress on this one? Steve


It is on our bug list, but it’s not a super high priority at the moment.

I will let you know when it is fixed.


Cabin nights also need to be added to the Participation Book export.