Participation Book Missing Hours/Days

I pulled a Participation Book report and it is not showing hours or days for those marked as attended to events such as service or camping.

Hi @watarzp655,

The participation book shows who participated and what event they participated in. I’m not sure what you mean by it not showing hours or days? Could you clarify that?

If you’re talking about service hours then, in order for any service hours to show up then those things must be recorded when recording attendance for an event. The same goes for things like miles and tent camping nights. If you want to see the date of the event they attended that will be in the category right beside the event category.


David Keener

The event has the hours or tent nights listed and attendance taken. However on the report they are not showing.

Jeremy Watarz |
Cubmaster | Wolf Den Leader
Colchester Pack 655 / Green Mountain Council
M 802-355-6485

Hi @watarzp655,

What event is this occurring on?


David Keener

When marking attendance, we noticed sometimes camping nights don’t show on each member’s line even though the number is at the top of that column (and was filled in when setting up the calendar entry). We change the number of nights at the top of the column, and then put it back to the correct number to get it to populate the column. Then they do show up in the Participation Book.