Timeout on CSV export

I’m trying to export data to a CSV account from the money account page. It keeps timing out. I have even set it to a single day with only three transactions and I am still getting the “We’re sorry, something has gone wrong” error. This has been going on now for a couple of months.

If you could look into this, it would be great. Currently, I am unable to prepare the reports I need to give to our committee without the ability to export the data…

Derek Griffiths
Troop 16 Treasurer

Hi @Troop16Treasurer,

Which account are you trying to do this on? I impersonated your account and was able to download a csv file from the first account on the list.


David Keener

Troop 16 Treasurer. It is a really big account…

Any word on this? I was hoping to be able to present to our committee soon.

Hi @Troop16Treasurer,

I will have to get this issue over to the tech team, but you are able to click on “export” and “print”. I’m seeing that method is working to get those files.

Once the tech team has this resolved, I will update this thread.


David Keener

Yes, the print option works, but it only gives me the first page. Even when I set a different date range, the print option gives me the most recent transactions, which doesn’t help me. I really need the CSV export.

Also, I could just export each persons account, but that doesn’t actually show all the data as now the shopping cart done via PayPal doesn’t actually show up in the person’s account, only in the treasurer account. That is really weird too…

I am assuming it has something to do with a data limit on the server.

Anything on this?? I haven’t gotten a response in a week…

Wow, it has been two weeks… Nothing?

I am still having a timeout on a CSV export of the Troop 16 Treasurer money account. This has been happening since September. I am unable to provide reports to our committee without this ability.

Here is a screen recording: https://www.coloradorunnermag.com/imageuploads/screen-capture.webm

Hi @Troop16Treasurer,

The tech team has resolved this issue by emailing a csv file rather when the file is large like this one.


David Keener