Unable to make payment via PayPal

Once again, when attempting to make a payment via PayPal, system return the following error:

We’re sorry, but something went wrong. We’ve been notified about this issue and we’ll take a look at it shortly.

2021-08-20 00_02_30-We're sorry, but something went wrong (500)

The same error was reported in March, 2019

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We have had reported problems with this in our troop in the last 24 hours too.

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Very frustrating, especially when we are trying to collect “in a hurry” to pay for camping activities. What’s discouraging is the last solution, while solved, took almost 6 months to resolve.

It is a mystery, but after 5 days of trying, the payment just went through.

Hi y’all,

This issue was fixed on Friday. It was a change on PayPals end and the tech team worked and pushed out a fix for it on the 20th.


David Keener