Every time I click the red bar up top to renew my subscription early, I get an error message. This has been occurring for a week now and I have sent 2 message to support asking for help. Please help me!
If you navigate via the Gear Menu and TroopTrack Subscription what do you get?
Attaching a screen shot of what I get…
Then when I click pay annually I get an option to setup auto renewal which I don’t want to do. Attaching that screenshot also.
I have a second issue where I have sent a parent an invite to join and she hasn’t received the email. It’s not in any inboxes or her spam folder. Could you also help with that after we get the subscription resolved?
Thanks so much!
If you are using the mobile app that won’t work, you have to use a browser, they look the same so I can’t tell which. Once you Pay with Card you can go back and remove it so it does not do automatic next year. The only true pay once is sending a check. But you can remove the saved payment type once you pay for it.
I can see in my chat with TT support they are talking about your issue and trying to figure out what is going on. They are working on it.
Ok I’ll try that way then. Thanks so much!
Crystal, were you able to renew your subscription? I’ve been trying to contact TT for 3 weeks and can’t complete renewal because of the error.
There is a new Contact form from Support - Contact Us, you could try that. I can try and help if you share what the issue is you are having?
Thank you AaronStorey!
I received instructions on how to make a one time payment as placing a new order, then cancelling it.
The “purchase a subscription” link on the website errors out, but I was finally able to get a renewal to go through using a link in an email. Now I’m trying to cancel the new subscription, per the directions, but I’m again getting errors when I click on the “Cancel” link on the website.
Any suggestions on how to keep the new subscription, but cancel the auto-renew that will happen next year?
You would need to go back to Support to get the auto renewal removed, or you could wait until they fix the website, since you have a year.
I am also now getting an error when trying the Renewal link from the TroopTrack Subscriptions page, Unfortunately you will need to contact support, Select Support and then Contact Us.
AaronStorey - have you heard how long it takes for them to update that annoying red banner telling us our subscription will expire in xx days? I’ve updated our payment method twice in the past three weeks and twice the automatic payment function has failed. I finally went in on Sunday and made the payment directly, received an email with receipt, but here it is Wednesday and the red banner is still appearing. Parents and leaders are getting concerned. Thanks.
I do not, I know they are having some issues with the subscriptions. When it was working properly I think it was automatic. I will also reach out and ask about it and follow up.
Both this and our other troop account were set up for automatic payment through our PayPal accounts. Appears they are unable to do that anymore?
We are having the same issue and our subscription is expiring. Are we going to lose access to our Trooptrack?
I have not been able to upgrade from a 30-day trial subscription. Any news on when this will be fixed?
Please test, a fix was implemented early this morning 2/18/25.
Aaron - a fix for toastermike’s issue or a fix for the banner issue (subscription update)? As of 3:12 pm ET, I still have the banner. I’ve emailed the support address several times over the past week, including today, but have had no response. I am concerned about an interruption of service.
@DavidThompson3, the fix was for issues with renewing subscription.
Good morning @DavidThompson3,
I did see in my messages with Support they are looking into the subscription banners not being removed.
@aaronstorey - checked my account this morning and the banner is gone. Hopefully that means everything is fixed.