Update to Primary Badges: Citizenship Sections

Since my last check of the badgework setup in TroopTrack against the 2014 Scout Record Book, I have been advised that a new Award Requirement Item (5 in all cases) has been added to each of the three Primary Badges Citizenship sections.

Whilst I have detailed below the new requirements to be added, they can equally be verified using the following Public information available at: http://scouts.cubstuff.info/award_scheme.htm

One concern I have is, if the new requirement is inserted and those that follow are pushed down, will the achievement records be maintained correctly, such that a scout that had recorded complete the old item 5 for Heritage, will still show this as complete against its new item #6?

Primary Target Badge: Pioneer - Citizenship Section, Please insert the new requirement of:-

5) Breaking the Cycle

  1. Watch the ‘Bullying it’s not part of Scouting’ Youtube video, and have a discussion with your Leaders and parents about why Scouts do not bully.
  2. Using the Scout video discuss
    1. What do you think is occurring?
    2. How do you think the person is feeling?
    3. Discuss what you would do if you were the person in the video
    4. Who would you share this with?
    5. How does this action fit with our Scout code?
    6. How do you care for yourself or others?
  3. Discuss with your PL/APL your Troop’s Scout Code, and how the Code applies to you, and contribute to annual review of Troop Code and sign.

Primary Target Badge: Explorer - Citizenship Section, Please insert the new requirement of:-

5) Breaking the Cycle

  1. Discuss as a Patrol or Troop, your current Troop Code and contribute to annual review of Troop Code and sign
  2. Make a poster, video or skit on why people bully others
  3. Alone or in a group, research the consequences of bullying, and share your findings with the Troop.

Primary Target Badge: Adventurer- Citizenship Section, Please insert the new requirement of:-

5) Breaking the Cycle

  1. Lead a night program including:-
    1. Activity or game that demonstrates elements of the Scout Law and why bullying is not part of Scouting
    2. Lead discussion on current Troop Code and contribute to the annual review of Troop Code and sign
  2. Discuss with your Troop, effective strategies to prevent bullying. You may use a presentation, group discussion, or information night.