Venture Scouts award input?


You can have both Scouts and Venturing in the same group on TroopTrack but it is most definitely easier to have two separate groups with their own individual TroopTrack accounts.

Two Separated TroopTracks

This is because the awards for Venturing Crews are entirely different from a normal Scout Troop. It’s similar to when there’s a Cub Scout pack, and the organization, jargon, awards, ranks, advancement all are different from Cub Scout Pack to a Boy Scout Troop. The same for a Venturing Crew. By splitting up the Troop and Crew your TroopTrack experience will be much better and organized. This of course will require two TroopTrack subscriptions. You sign up your BSA Troop as a Troop and your Venturing Crew as a Crew during the account creation process.

This is recommended for groups that are larger and have a higher count of participating scouts.

One Single TroopTrack

If you group is small and only have a handful of Venturing Scouts, then you can have both Venturing and Boy Scouts in a group. To have both Scouts and Venturing in the same group on TroopTrack you must sign up as a Venturing Crew, not a BSA troop. So when creating/starting your group on TroopTrack make sure to select BSA Venturing Crew at signup:

Your Venturing Scouts will need to be in a Patrol that has a level of “Venturing”. Once they are in a “Venturing” Patrol then the ability to add Venturing awards/achievements will be available on their individual profile in addition to normal BSA Scouts awards and achievements.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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