Why does our weekly meeting schedule not show up in our calendar?
Are you viewing the Family Events calendar or All Events? I can usually find my events if I switch views.
I have noticed Family Events is not showing events myself or my son are invited to or even events I created are not displaying. I also noticed since the update the calendar is defaulting to the Family View every time I login.
Hi @MineralSpringsBSA ,
I see the only meeting schedule you have planned doesn’t have a begin date or a number of times it’s repeated. This is why it hasn’t been put on the calendar.
For further help with this you can view this page in our user guide on how to use that feature more effectively.
David Keener
Having the same trouble. Our situation is this: we meet on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of a month, which means we’re not every two weeks and not monthly. So I set up two meeting schedules – one for the second Friday and a separate set for the fourth Friday. Everything worked fine until we grew this weekend. So in attempting to add the new dad and his son, I lost the fourth Friday schedule. Checking the list of meetings, it shows the second Friday set on the calendar and the list of meetings scheduled shows 8 scheduled. The fourth Friday no longer appears on the calendar. I checked that listing in the scheduled meetings and it shows zero are scheduled. So I attempted to edit that with no joy. Every time I open that list of meetings to editi it, the first date is blank and the number of meetings is blank. Then I’ll add the next date, a number of meetings, save it, approve the list, and then nothing appears on the calendar and the list of scheduled meetings shows zero meetings for the fourth Friday again as if my edit was rejected somehow. Then I created a new list of fourth Friday meetings. No joy. It’s a bit frustrating. Can I really still create a double scheduled meeting scenario in TroopTrack? Like I wrote above, it worked previously and seemed to corrupt or something over the weekend. Any ideas?
Trail Life USA Troop NJ-1613
1 Cor 16:13
Hi @ScottStutz,
I see that issue is happening. Have you tried just creating a new meeting schedule for that day and copying the info on the old one?
Does that problem still occur?
David Keener
Thanks, David. I did create a single day meeting event just for the next meeting, using the verbiage from the original sets of scheduled meetings. That worked. I can probably just repost individual weeks ahead as separate and individual meetings rather than use the meeting schedule. But that defeats the purpose and ease of the scheduled meeting system.
Thanks so much for looking into this. Did our troop’s file become corrupted or something like that?
Thanks again and God bless,
Scott Stutz
TLUSA Troop NJ-1613
1 Cor 16:13
Hi @ScottStutz,
I’m glad that creating one event worked, but are you not able to create it in meeting schedules again?
I believe this event did get corrupted somehow, but I want to make sure it doesn’t transfer to all your meeting schedules. Could you re-create the meeting schedule for it (keeping the old one) and then let me know if it worked?
David Keener
Hi David,
Tried it twice tonight…no joy. Same result. Could this be because I’m using the Microsoft Edge web browser and Windows 10? The version being used should be pretty close to the most up to date.
Any other ideas?
Thanks so much for working with me.
God bless,
Scott Stutz
TLUSA Troop NJ-1613
1 Cor 16:13
Hi @ScottStutz ,
Yes, you need to make sure your browser is fully updated. I just went in and made my own meeting schedule test event on your account and it worked. I deleted this event afterwards.
David Keener
Thanks for trying, David, but I’m officially giving up at this point. It must be my account. I tried using Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome with the same results. I even tried just retyping all the verbiage into the description block without any joy. I can still post individual events. That’s what I’ll try from here on out. Thanks again!
God bless!
Scott Stutz
Trail Life Troop NJ-1613
1 Cor 16:13, Psalm 103