Hi @ShaileshPatel,
I’ve given a summary roadmap in a few places, and Dave has a thread called “TroopTrack Labs” or something that he posts big things to.
Next time someone is available and we don’t have a big bug, I’m going to try to push the OA eligibility report through for development.
A bigger thing right now is changing the 2016 cub ranks so the adventures automatically apply to them.
We have a bug to feature ratio that we try to stick by when it comes to fixing and enhancing and sometimes the bigger projects become cumbersome and the developers work on smaller requests and you’ll see a big long list of smaller things in a product update.
So the emails thing is much bigger than a makeover. When it is fully released, it will allow users to RSVP from the email invites without logging in and it will allow you to receive emails from people not in your troop. Both HUGE features that we’ve been trying to finish and release for a long time. The delays with the Rails 5 upgrade pushed all of that back, but we are starting to get back on track now.
With the emails feature comes the membership resolver. Next we will want to apply that to events to eliminate the duplicate invites.
Another big picture thing we are working on is changing the infrastructure to be more efficient. This means you will be able to make a change and it will instantly change everywhere. If you are on a page and someone else is on that same page, you will be able to make a change and it will instantly occur without having to refresh for the other user. We also envision giving users a csv format and allowing you to upload equipment, users, library, badge lists, etc. on your own. We also think it would be cool to have a super admin “back end” where you could look at most pages like a spreadsheet and enter info that way, too.
Allowing users to handle their own troop transfers is one we’ve been pondering, too. We also would like to put in an activity log that tracks everything for every user (ie. user x marked scout y’s wolf badge as complete on this date at this time).
So between all of these bigger, long term projects, we work on getting other things done too. Sometimes we have to stop everything to fix a bug and that pushes us behind schedule, but we are working hard on it.
What specific reports aren’t working? If we know about it, I’ll put this ticket on the request. If not, I’ll make a new request for it.