AHG Stars & Stripes 2023 Update

AHG has updated the requirements for the Stars & Stripes Award. Will you be creating an option to use the new requirements? Many of the badge requirements are the same; however three were removed and others were added. Here is the new list of badges required:
(Heritage Frontier)
• Women of Faith
(Heritage Frontier)
• Home Care & Repair
(Family Living Frontier)
• Money Management
(Family Living Frontier)
• Outdoor Skills
(Outdoor Skills Frontier)
• Biblical Leadership
(Personal Well-Being Frontier)
• Emergency Preparedness
(Personal Well-Being Frontier)
• Camping
(Outdoor Skills Frontier)
• Personal Care
(Personal Well-Being Frontier)
• Social Skills & Etiquette
(Personal Well-Being Frontier)
• Digital Citizenship
(Science & Technology Frontier)
• Fitness badge or sports pin
• One badge of girl’s choice

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I alerted Dave to these changes. I don’t know enough about AHG, for example with the Heritage Frontier is that the award and the requirements are Women of Faith and Home Care & Repair, did the requirements of Women of Faith and Home Care & Repair change or just that those are not required for Heritage Frontier? Any documentation you can share would be helpful.

Hi Aaron,

I have attached a copy of the transition plan. It is a bit different than BSA. There are six different Frontiers for our badges. Girls complete the requirements for each badge and they earn the badge. In order to earn their Level Award, they need to complete at least one badge from each of the Frontiers along with other requirements. To earn Stars & Stripes, girls must complete their Abigail Adams Level Award (replaces Dolley Madison) and a S&S project. There are a list of specific badges required for the Stars & Stripes as you will see listed in the attached document. I hope this helps a little.

Teresa Osborne

Troop Coordinator

AHG Troop AZ1212

“Cast yourself into the arms of God and be very sure that if He wants anything of you, He will fit you for the work and give you strength.”

St. Philip Neri

(Attachment SSA Transition Plan_final_08212023.pdf is missing)

Unfortunately the attachments didn’t come through, I would suggest sending them in e-mail to support@trooptrack.com and CC dave@trooptrack.com. I would be interested to learn more about it as well if you wouldn’t mind sending it to me ajstorey@mac.com.

Is there a projected date for when we should expect the new 2023 S&Ss badge to be available to use for entry? Thanks!


Please post to this thread that TT is now using for updates. Thanks.

I posted the transition plan to that thread. Hopefully this will be a useful guide in adding the new badge for AHG troops. Thanks!

GSAUSA - Junior Cookie CEO Badge is retired. thank you

GSUSA Senior Customer Loyalty Badge is retired. Thank you

@Lori_Cross, please post these to the linked post below. Also please include a link to some documentation.

There are no requirement changes. The entire badge is retired so needs to be marked as retired so leaders will not try to purchase the badge

@Lori_Cross, That is fine retirement is a change.

This has been marked as retired, Thank You!