Stars & Stripes Award Log sheet

Could we have slots for the 9 required badges as well as the additional ones that are needed for S&S - instead of just one line for all 16 being completed. This will give a better reflection of where the girl is in the process

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Hi @esamek,

I’m not entirely sure what you are talking about. Can you please give me a path to the specific place or feature you are talking about so I can take a closer look?

Thank you.

Stars & Stripes achievement page… where it lists the various things that need to be completed (Dolley Madison finished, 16 badges, service project, essay, mini resume, BOR, etc…)

I would like to see each of the 9 required badges listed (with their names) with a date for each of those, then 7 additional slots to enter name of the badge and the date. So that they could see where they are on the list of ones that have to be completed.

Does that make sense? I can draft up one by hand if I need to and show you what I’m talking about.

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Hi @esamek,

I’m still not sure where you are looking. Can you please give me a path? (ie. Manage > Members or Achieve > Something > Something else).

Once I can see what you are talking about, then we can talk about the potential implementation of what you would like to add.

Thank you.

Kristen Samek > Achievements > Other > Level Award/Stars & Stripes Award

Hi @esamek,

I see what you are saying now.

@melissa, will you please look into this? Thank you.

I agree as it is the highest award the girls can earn. It would be helpful to have a way to track the badges for the Stars & Stripes instead of trying to find them on the summary list. Is anyone working on this request?

@AHGMomAZ @esamek

We have an award called “Stars and Stripes with Award Sub Requirements” under level awards for patriots to earn. Have you seen it? Please let me know if this fits your needs.