Annual renewal date management

Effective 8/1, we are no longer pro-rating the expiration date so everyone expires on 12/31, what plans are in place to help us manage the records of scouts and/or adults that expire each month? Are reports in development? Can we get the info from my.scouting? Thanks!

From what I read on the linked page it won’t be something we as Unit leaders will need to deal with, it sounds like BSA is just going to directly charge individuals and the Charter process will be basically removed as far as individual members are concerned.

It’s not about the money…

We also ended grace periods. We also have rules about unregistered participants at our events. We also have insurance for members attending an event.

How is a unit to manage expirations occuring every month?

The system design assumes everyone expires on 12/31. If someone does not reregister, we simply deactivate their account as part of the recharter process. There is no tool (I am aware of) to support expirations every month. We all know we will have the inevitable “forgetful” members that don’t renew in time, how do we manage those expirations? In Scouting, there is no grace period. Technically, we should deactivate and block RSVP to an event until the issue is cured. How do we know? What happens if the member attends an event? What happens if that member gets hurt while attending? Theoretically, this could happen the day after expiration.

A related question - the child joined on 8/15/23. Does the Scout registration expire on 8/15/24 or 8/31/24. Again, this matters as Scouting events don’t happen on 12/31 with the same frequency as they do other days and/or months of the year.

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Those are good questions, I don’t believe this is the proper forum for them though, these are questions best posed to BSA. Check out the Scouting Forums, the moderators there are usually pretty good about answering. Once BSA has a clear process and explains how this will work with exertion dates and insurance perhaps TT will be able to create some reports or notifications however it would require imported or input dates of expiration into the system.

Looks like some might be answered all ready:

Actually upon reading through the Generate report of paid leaders thread the proper place to pose policy questions is your local Council. Hopefully questions will be answered before this becomes an issue in August 2024. While I am all for preparing as best we can we are only 22 days into this announcement and much still needs to be communicated and worked out at the National and Council levels. Over the next few months there should be more communication. Since BSA has put a March date on current Recharters there should be a whole bunch of communication at that time.

My take on this is that of personal responsibility, if parents are not responsible for paying the fees of their children and they are sent on an activity while not in paid standing then the liability is on the parent. It is not reasonable for us at the Unit level to keep track of who has paid and who hasn’t, running a report before every outing to make sure those RSVPd are registered, no thank you.

Scouts and guests that are not registered but attending an event and being encouraged to join are covered by the Accident and Sickness insurance.

In my opinion this even more so limits our liability as Unit Leaders.

Tentatively how I am going to handle this in troop track is use the “Expiration date” for registration be the Medical Form Part B. Everyone in my troop does a&b at same time for med form, so I was going to hijack B be for registration expiration. and use the “a” date for both a and B together. This prints out on the activity attendance sheet so its easy to verify before you go if everyone has current registration.

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Troop Track provides the ability to run an expired YPT report and there is field in the User Profile for date Joined Troop On. I tried to see if a custom report could be built but I can’t find it anywhere. The Help Doc says to place a support ticket to have a custom report built. The screen shots for this doc look way old though. Would placing a support ticket for a custom report be the best next step?

I agree this is a national change that was created for reasons that are likely has nothing to do with the TroopTrack admins users trying to manage our units in the best way possible. Regardless, we are accountable for enforcement of change even in the absence of information. THIS is why TroopTrack is essential to my Scouting life. :heart_eyes:

The Custom Reports are no longer in the Plan, Reports Menu, you can get to them from QuickNav and selecting Reports then in the lower right hand corner Go to All Your Reports, you will then have New Custom Report, Join date is an optional field for the User Report.

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