Is there a way to attach specific badges/achievements to an activity? I know you can mark achievement progress from the meeting after the fact. but i can’t seem to find a way to say what we planned to do in the first place. (outside of listing it in the description - which doesn’t link to the requirements we’ll be completing).
I hope any of that makes sense.
No, there is no way to attach specific achievements to an activity. You could classify this as an Idea if it’s something you think would be useful. What is your thinking behind this idea that doing a Bulk Entry after the event doesn’t give you?
partially so I can plan and remember what is supposed to happen (or did happen if I didn’t mark it down immediately). It would also, if a report was possible, give a year plan of badge activities, not just campouts v meetings etc
It’s also helpful in not requiring duplicate work on our part… marked as attended, given credit (instead of having to record attendance and then having to go back in to add in the achievement, particularly if it crosses over for boys in multiple patrols/levels).
Of course, it will not work for all instances, since just because they were there does not mean they actually demonstrated something. In most cases, though, it would be helpful, for sure!
I do wish that troop track had a way to record what the lesson plan was, although I don’t know how that would work for a multi-level girl scout troop, but it would be nice for parents to be able to see what was worked on for make-up work.
Hi @MegJakubik,
Do you mean something to where you plan an event, and then on that event there’s a specific award or merit badge attached to it? Rather than just a description that can be added currently?
Let me know if that’s what you mean,
David Keener
If we could link in badges and which requirement numbers were worked on that could be an option. But it would need to be able to attach multiple badges/steps since we are a multi-level troop and each level usually works independently. But basically a way to track what a leader worked on at a meeting so that girls that missed would know what they need to makeup if they want to earn the same as the girls that attended.
Hi @MegJakubik,
I think that’s a great idea, and I will get it over to our tech team so they can work with it and get something set up.
David Keener
Love this idea. I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Would also love to see patches have the ability to be connected as well!!