COMMUNICATE - Configuring Emails and Email Lists

One of our Awesome users made this video to explain how to use the Mailing Lists in TroopTrack. Enjoy!

from TroopTrack on Vimeo

We have a bunch of email lists created to make it easier to reach people, but I cannot figure out who these emails list are sending emails to so there are pretty useless. Is there a way to see who’s emails are in these lists?

If you go to Communicate > Custom Mailing List or even Magic Mailing List depending on what you chose to create them under it should show you.

The Custom Mailing list screen is completely blank, the Magic list shows the Scouts the name that the email may go to but does not show me the parents or the email addresses.
Any other suggestions?

I have 12 email list that were created by the previous troop track helper. these list do NOT show up under custom mailing list or magic mailing list. I have no way to edit them. But they always show up when we want to send an email…yet no one know who is under each of the list. this is a huge problem that we need to find a way to correct please.

@HeatherDunham Can you let me know which troop you belong to, so I can go ahead and take a look at this for you? If you would prefer not to post it here on the Community, you can also email me directly at

I would like to edit what mailing list people fall under. I see that I can add them TO a mailing list but I don’t see anywhere that you can remove them FROM a mailing list.

Hi everybody,

This video is a little old, so I’m going to show you how to use Magic Mailing Lists in these current times.

First click the “Communicate” button. Then scroll down to “Magic Mailing Lists”.

These are automatically generated lists but you’re able to customize them as well.

Click “new custom mailing list” to create a new one.

That will bring you to a page that looks like this:

Click save to save your magic mailing list. People must be authorized senders to send to the list.

Also note that automatic generated, and updated, magic mailing lists will only send to the people apart of that unit. If the list is named after a patrol, or unit, then you must be added to that patrol or unit in order for that email list to send to you.

To create a custom mailing list click “Communicate”, then “Custom Mailing Lists”.

Then click on “New Mailing List” to create a new mailing list.

A screen like the one to create a new magic mailing list will pop up.

You can edit/delete custom mailing lists, but you can only edit magic mailing lists. That’s because magic mailing lists are auto-generated by the system.

Whenever you want to send an email just choose custom, or magic mailing lists, and then click on send an email in the right corner as shown below:

Then you can send out an email.

Please also note that you must have the proper privileges enabled to send, and edit emails.

Okay, so I’m not seeing a way to edit mailing lists or create a new list in either the Magic Mailing Lists or Custom Mailing Lists pages. I’m pretty sure I’ve edited these before to add new leaders, etc., and I’ve definitely added new lists, but the options seem to have disappeared.

Here’s what I’m seeing:

Normally, I think I would see Create a New List next to the Send an Email button, right? And possibly Edit List in the drop down of the Action button on the individual lists? Or also at the top.

I appreciate any suggestions. Maybe something changed recently?



I’m having the same problem. I used to be able to edit the Custom Mailing Lists (move girls/parents as they change units) but all of those options are gone. Is this going to be fixed? We have new volunteers and can’t add them to the Custom Mailing list we use.

Thank you,

@Pushkaraj I have the same issue…not able to edit lists.

@ACCardona I found the privileges you have to change. If you are a unit admin you can go to your own page and choose edit privileges, scroll to the bottom and mark the checkbox about mailing lists.

Hi @gscrawley, @TCMD0714, @ACCardona,

You will need to have the privilege of “manage mailing list” enabled.

You can enable this by clicking on your name, then “your profile”, and clicking on the “privileges” tab. From there you can click on “edit privileges”, and it’ll be the second privilege from the bottom.


David Keener

Thank you! I’ve submitted the fix as directed.


Fixed it. Thank you!