Controlling Access and Privileges

There is no default however you can set Privileges as a group, go to Manage, Members, Privileges then select Add Privileges or Set Access Levels and you will get a list of all members that you can select the ones you want and then set the privilege group or access level.

Thanks for the reply. I do understand that. I can grant privileges to existing members. But every time I create a new member – something that I do many times a year as new scouts join the troop – I have to grant those same privileges for every new member. That is the step I am trying to avoid.

Got it, this grouping of Privileges was the first step in improvements. There are some other things on the horizon, I think it was discussed to get some defaults. This new way does make it much easier than it used to be but a set default would be great, or the ability to select the group when creating the user would be great as well.