Council Tools (10/07/2015)

Does your council need a way of publishing merit badge counselors? This morning we launched an alpha product called Council Tools, a totally free product your council or district can use to publish information about merit badge counselors directly from ScoutNET merit badge counselor reports. Users are able to search by merit badge and see how far the counselor is from their zip code. Counselor contact information is not published publicly - we will be adding a contact form that users can use to forward their information to the counselor.

This product is free. You don't need to be a TroopTrack customer to use it - the merit badge counselor feature is available for anyone to use. It is an ALPHA release, which means certain aspects of it may be incomplete or still a bit rough.

We will be adding more features to this product over time such as calendaring, web site publishing, communicating with members, etc.

If you are interested in using it, send an email to and we will get you started.

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