Good morning TroopTrack users!
We just released a number of updates. Here are the details:
1) We've received a number of complaints about casually displaying middle names in various places. We've changed the default "full name" to only show the middle initial and we've switched to just last name, first name on the quick message form, merit badge counselor list, and member quick nav.
2) Have you ever changed the event filter to all events on the calendar and then changed months and had to change the event filter to all events again? This is pretty frustrating, so we have changed the calendar to preserve your filter as you switch months.
3) While we were working on the calendar anyway, we went ahead and change the month drop down so that it shows the month you are currently looking at instead of the current month.
4) We fixed a problem in the API where Boy Scout leadership positions were not being returned. This change will be visible in the mobile app immediately.
5) When you are recording progress in bulk the requirements now display on one line instead of two.
6) The patrol/den/unit progress reports now include a hover over the requirement number so you can see the whole requirement. See the screenshot below...
I hope you like these changes.
~ Dave