Creating a troop Bulletin / Message Board

Is there a way to create a Bulletin / Message Board for a troop? Similar to this communities site? Or is there a way to incorporate google Community into the TroopTrack site?


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We would like to create a Project Board for our Pi/Pa’s and this is a feature we have been talking about in our troop. Brilliant idea!


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Having a message board for a subgroup of our troop would be a HUGE blessing! For example, a message board just for our PI/PAs, one for a Special Event Committee, etc… The capability to see current and past postings would be helpful.

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Our Pipa leaders have been asking me to figure out how they could have a message board. It would be really helpful for them. We used to use a Shutterfly site for our communication in the past and that was mostly message boards so it is what they are familiar with but would also be helpful for their planning.