Custom Mailing List permissions issue

Hello -
We have a number of custom mailing lists that are set to ‘Any member is allowed to send emails to this list’, however we are getting reports of emails that are not deliverable and bounce back to the sender (even though they are sending it from the correct email address on their Troop Track profile on our site).

I have not been able to solve this and would love to see if anyone else encountered a similar issue and hopefully a solution.

Thanks in advance,
SM T636.

In troubleshooting a debugging a bit, I think I uncovered that email list aliases are case sensitive.
Is that the case? If so is there any good reason?

I created an alias and tested it and confirmed my hypothesis. Would love to hear if that’s indeed the case and if we can somehow change that (unless there is good reason).


@ieshet, that would be a question that would need to be posed to the TT staff at

Thank you, Aaron. I reached out and they’re looking at it with Dave.

Appreciate your response.
Have a great day!