Data Safety

Privacy Policy

A few things you should know about the data you store in TroopTrack

  • We don't sell it.
  • We don't share it.
  • We don't let it out of our sight without your permission.



That said, there are some things you should remember

It's partly the job of scouts, parents, and scout leaders to protect the privacy of troop members. Here are a few simple guidelines you should follow to keep your troop data private and secure.

  • Don't create a single "leader" or "admin" account and share it with other leaders. Create separate accounts for each person who uses TroopTrack.
    • These generic administrator accounts are a security problem and users should never share username/password information with anyone else.
    • Generic accounts also make it hard for us to do support for your account... since there isn't a real name under the account owner it is harder to verify the identity of anyone claiming to be an administrator.
  • Make sure you assign the right access levels and privileges to your users.
  • Don't add users you don't know.
  • Don't use the "remember me" login option on public computers.


Will I always be able to access my data?

We do our best to make TroopTrack available at all hours. Planned outages are rare, but when they do happen we announce them on the Product Updates page (accessible by clicking the little bell at the far right of the top black bar), and on our Facebook page. In the past year TroopTrack has been down for less than four hours total.

Troop Cancelation
Our standard policy is that once a troop cancels their TroopTrack subscription, we will keep all troop data as-is for 90 days. After the 90-day period, your troop’s data and accounts are subject to being deleted from TroopTrack’s database and servers. If a troop renews or resubscribes within that 90-day period, they can continue with their troop right where they left off.


How can I back up my TroopTrack data?

We've created several reports that troop leaders can use to back up TroopTrack data. The report you want to use depends on what exactly you want to back up.

If you want a backup of all of a particular youth's achievement records, go to the youth's profile, click the Reports button and choose whether you want the Detailed report or the Summary report. Both reports list Achievements earned, hours of service, miles hiked and canoed, nights camped, and leadership data. The Detailed report also includes partial achievements and the dates of all the requirements met for the achievements. You can also email the report to someone else in the troop; this will email the detailed report.



If you want a backup of a your whole troop, there are two reports that take care of most everything: the Troop Achievement Report and the Member Report. These are both big reports, so instead of dislplaying them in the browser we send them to your email in the format of .CSV spreadsheet, which can be opened in Excel, Numbers, and other spreadsheet programs. The Troop Achievement Report lists every completed achievement that every youth in the troop has earned, along with the date the scout earned the achievement. The Member Report lists names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and such data for every member of your troop.

To get to these reports, click the Quick Nav button in the top black bar, and then click Reports. This causes a box to drop down listing all the reports available to you. Alternatively, you can click Manage-->Reports, which shows a similar list of all your troop's reports.

We've found that sometimes these reports are messed up in the process of being emailed. In any case, the generated report will be saved under your Files tab on your user profile after you request the report. You can always access these reports here.


If you want further backups, you can also use the Participation Book to create a .CSV export of your troop's activities. We also have a similar Training Book, a Badge Book, and a Money Book, each of which can be used to create custom .CSV exports of your troop's activities.

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What about Troop’s private web pages and troop documents?

@Eoin can you elaborate a bit? I’m not sure what you are asking.

This thread is about backing up TroopTrack data.

I was asking how one might get a backup of the public/private webpages and the troop’s documents.

Got it, thanks @Eoin. We don’t currently have a way of exporting those things unfortunately.

So does that mean you’ll add it as a feature request? Seems to be a bit of an omission, or are we the only ones who are building extensive web pages?

Hi @Eoin,

You are the first person who has asked us for this feature. Please feel free to propose it in the “Ideas” category. Others may chime in and build support for it, in which case we will consider building it.


Improvement: Given that email is not guaranteed to be secure, and your note that sometimes reports get corrupted via email, it seems much better form to not include report.csv attachments. Instead, simply email people that their reports are ready and include a link to their Files tab. That way all the personally identifiable information of members (children and adults mind you) are still behind the secure login of the report requestor, not exposed over email traffic. Agree @dave ?

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