I love TroopTrack. But… is this expected behavior?
That I can share a photo that’s in a Troop Track “Shared Album” with people who don’t need to logon to Trooptrack to see it?
(You’re all welcome to look at this shared photo, this particular one isn’t personal or private)
True, the link isn’t pretty, and it’s not intuitive… but after reading the following TroopTrack links, I would have thought it would be impossible to see anything from a shared album (or a shared document), even if someone had a link:
Is there anyway to disable this “feature?” After having read those posts/articles, I was certain the photos of my Pack would at least be secure and available only to people who were logged in.
I know I can’t stop people from downloading the photos and sharing them, but the threshold is higher because of the extra steps necessary to do so.
A few of the parents I support almost went into shock that I would consider uploading photos of their children to the photo albums, put their children’s names in the cub scout ledgers in TroopTrack, etc. and I’ve seen the look of paranoia on the faces of others. The sense I got from those TroopTrack articles, was that files and photos, just like calendar events, cannot be opened without first being logged into Trooptrack.
Is there anything we can do to allay these fears?
Perhaps you’ve got an Amazon document you can point me at that explains their security model?
Thanks in advance for your time, folks.