There is no longer a Money category for my user account in the Manage dropdown menu. The only access I appear to have is read-only to my daughter’s account; Saturday, I was able to create new entries, reconcile the records, and create new accounts.
Have I, somehow, locked myself out of the Money access? If so, how do I fix it?
Hi @RobynGinther,
Thank you for using the TroopTrack Community!
Good news. After some searching, I found the problem. Go to Manage > Settings > Troop Settings and click the TroopTrack Settings tab. Under General Settings, check the box next to “Use TroopTrack to track your troop’s finances?” and press Update Settings.
You should be good to go from there.
Let me know if you run into any more issues!
Thank you!
I figured it was something silly that I’d done but I couldn’t undo it.