Event payment details page not loading

I have an event where the event “View All Payments” always responds with error page:
"We’re sorry, but something went wrong.
We’ve been notified about this issue and we’ll take a look at it shortly. "

We are actively taking RSVPs for this event and it is a costly event where we must be able to see who all paid so we can properly register them for the camp.

Its been almost 2 weeks now we’ve been seeing this, I’ve contacted support page as well but have not had any activity recently. Is there a way to monitor progress or get ETA on this fix? It is completely blocking our ability to process registrations. With deadlines approaching quickly, this is making it difficult to manage for our troop. Please help escalate.


We also get this same error? When is it going to be fixed. We need this now.


I am also seeing this same error…


@tylerr99 @Pushkaraj

Is there any update on this. By not being able to manage the payments it is really hindering my ability to do my job as we prepare for trips and events.


Our troop is also waiting on an update/fix for this. Another problem caused by not having this is I can no longer add a person to an event when the event is setup to require payment to RSVP.

We are seeing this problem on multiple events now. @Pushkaraj - How can we help?


Same error - going on a month now. @Pushkaraj responded. It allows us to view payments but unfortunately being able to add attendees or refund payments is not working.

“Our tech team is working on a fix for this issue. For now the best thing to do is click on “manage” and “orders” and payments can be viewed and filtered by a specific event.”

We’ve been using Venmo with success. RSVP is TroopTrack’s strongest feature. Shame they can’t get it working.


A month?! That’s ridiculous!!

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This event https://vhtroop4.trooptrack.com/plan/events/1241668/money_transactions is throwing the “something went wrong” error. Other events will show the payments. This error is killing me as this event is collecting several thousand dollars in event fees and I need to issue refunds and manually add others to the event roster. The troop is growing increasingly dissatisfied with TroopTrack with the myriad of errors over the last few weeks. Please fix asap.


Any word from TT? This in a critical tool.

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No response - not even to several emails I’ve sent to support last few weeks. Hope everything with the team is well… I’m hopeful they will have a fix at some point.

Though, I do I wish they would just open source the code if they are not able to handle the support requests. We all can contribute and maybe push pull requests for possible fixes.

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No response yet.

John Taylor

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Are you still seeing these error with this specific page? TT was having some overall server issues which they worked on and got fixed. It was showing the same kind of errors all over the platform.

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That event still throws the error. The event is this weekend. I need to manually add people and refund others. We’ve lost the ability to manage this event. As a developer, I would have been fired for letting this mission critical page stay broken this long.


Thats just it, I don’t think the whole thing is broken, it may be just that event. We also have an event this coming weekend and I was able to RSVP, Pay and get to the money_transactions page for that event. There of course could be differences in how our systems are setup that are causing this but it is not a system wide issue. Hopefully @Pushkaraj, or @Tyler can take a look and perhaps help figure out why this particular event is throwing errors for you.

I am seeing issue with a current event as well. I have coached people to deposit money to the fundraising account and pay from there. This seems to work.

Is this going to be resolved? I have scouts looking for refunds but I cannot see who paid for the event that we had to cancel due to weather. PLEASE let us know if there is a fix in the works.

Its not just one event for us, but also not all. Unfortunately, those that we need urgent access to payment details are the ones that are broken. @Pushkaraj help!

Hi y’all,

I seem to have missed this thread on the community.

This is a known issue, and it is being fixed by the tech team. They’re relatively close to having this issue resolved.

We will update this thread once the fix is released.


David Keener

Hi everyone,

The tech team released the fix for this issue this morning. All “view payments” pages should be working now.


David Keener