Ideas for the future: It would be great if the Board of Review – BOR Report could be digital signed by the BOR member/s and the Scout Master as a way to go paperless. Like the feature that Adobe PDF Editor to e-sign a document.
Good morning @Rob_Davidson,
Thank you for using the TroopTrack Community!
I really like the idea of making this a paperless feature. We need to get some input from more people before our developers will consider this feature. Anyone interested, please add a +1 or comment your support.
Have a great day!
Of course people are interested in saving a tree and the environment in scouting. This should be linked to rsvp!
What is rsvp?
I am VERY interested in having a paperless feature for BOR or any other documents. Here are some reasons why…Number one, I can keep up with paperless files much easier when doing advancements. Two, the Scoutmaster can sign the documents online if they are not present at meeting. Three, most of all, it’s much easier to track down paperwork that been digitized and no more generation after generation of degraded photocopies or scans of photocopies. Four, this cuts-out the step of scanning a paper copy of a documents and to turn around and digitized it. Five, the file can be printed anytime by selected member if needed. Six, paperless is the way of the future. Finally, we all can save some trees and stop the destruction of the forest by printing endlessly. One of best feature I really enjoy with TroopTrack is having the abilities to have scanned blue cards for the merit badges the scout have earned.
Amen!!! How hard is it really to say if you will be somewhere or not. Lol!
I can see the “Blue Cards” going digital too as well as the BSA Book itself. I am so glad that TroopTrack is ahead of the game with the digital age! I asked about seeing a future feature with TroopTrack to take photos of the blue cards, front and back like the banks do to deposit checks. Why not just skip that and have the blue cards digital…One small step for scouts, one giant leap for TroopTrack.
Many troops are no longer using blue cards as it is. They are not required by BSA. We see them as more of a legacy thing…know where you came from.
I think this is a great idea. A digital signature would, among other things, would positively document who approved key events and when they occured. I could envision scout master conference, BOR, and MB completion at least. This would be particularly useful for a troop like ours that requires the scouts to enter their own rank requirement data - would provide proof that there have been no self-advancements.
The idea would work if the TroopTrack user signs in and use a four digits pin to digitally sign documents.
The Blue Card are helpful when technology can’t be used or have access to like a remote area camping or hiking. Paper is has it use too.
I like the idea of going more and more paperless. Getting there. TroopTrack needs a little more polish and attention to auditing and tracking changes and a little more granularity on which fields people can update or not.
Blue Cards are still issued by many Merit Badge Universities and Museums that offer MB Courses. It is a standard way that advancement can be tracked between competing online management systems, (TroopTrack vs ScoutBook vs XYZ Scout software.
Also, Merit Badge Counselors from outside the Troop can still update requirement progress on the Blue Card.
Plus, it is a physical record for the Scout to keep between transferring Troops. I have three Scouts transfer into our Troop with each having various forms of documentation on his advancement. The Blue Card is a backup. Now, I have a Scout that moved and transferred to another Troop - providing the reports to the new Troop was a breeze. They asked what TroopTrack was and maybe they will consider converting.