Can’t upload Rank adavncments. The Adventures generated correctly. Then we created the IA report with just the Rank advancement left. We get error “Invalid Advancement Type” from ScoutBook. We open the file downloaded from Trooptrack with no “AdvancementType” and “AdvancmentID”. “Version” is also blank in the columns. The rest of the columns from TroopTrack (ID, names and dates) all look great.
Not sure if the Den leaders are choosing the wrong rank or are we missing something else?
Use the Support - Contact Us option and complete the form, attach the TXT file. Perhaps something was missed or the incorrect Adventure was input but they will be able to verify.
I figured out that the rank automatically generates as being earned based on the awards that is loaded into the system. There is a line that Troop Tracks creates in that report for that rank but does not generate a code and therefore it’s throwing an error. I’m thinking that Troop Tracks needs to find a way to remove that line.
Is it specific to a particular rank, if so what Rank?
I am seeing a couple red flags, 1 AdvanementType should be “rank” or “adventure” not Arrow of Light etc, AdvancementID should have a number code. This really is going to require sending over to Support, Use the Support - Contact Us option and complete the form, attach the original TXT file you get from TT Achieve IA2.0 Advancement Report.