Internet Advancement 2.0 Integration Preview

The error message is now more descriptive and helpful with BSA’s update. There were two scouts with invalid BSA IDs. Once they were removed from the txt file, then it worked.

Now I need to figure why they didn’t work. But that’s an issue for BSA.

A helpful feature of the previous advancement upload in TT was to select the records to upload. Essentially a preview of what would be in the report. It was helpful when we’d have new scout’s advancement information but BSA records didn’t catch up to us yet. We’d load the information to keep TT accurate, and then upload to IA1 only when BSA had the scout attached to our unit.

Thanks for the help solving this one!

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Hi Dave,

I generated the report but it uploaded lots of files I don’t want, including cub scout awards that evidently were not marked as reported when they were in the pack. I was hoping to be able to click on the Date column to sort them by date, but that doesn’t happen. Can you add filters and sorts to be able to narrow the report down?

Thanks for your consideration and work on this.

It’s even pulling in records from scouts that have been deactivated years ago…

So just as I figured, the BSA has gone back on their word to provide an import/export API to use. Not surprised.

It is often frustrating dealing with BSA and their IT systems, so I get where you are coming from. However to give them some benefit of the doubt, they do have an import option, no it is not API based, but it does exist, and all of this is a work in progress. They also said they were going to have ScoutBook Lite available in 2018. Fast forward to middle of 2019 and IA 2.0 (aka ScoutBook Lite) is finally available. As they have said moving forward they will add functionality to IA 2.0 as the future platform that will replace ScoutBook so hopefully as that development is made moving forward they will create an API to better integrate with whatever people want to do, including continuing to use outside tracking systems. Just my perspective.

Hi Dave, I have not seen a reply to my posts about IA 2.0. The report is pulling records from deactivated scouts - as well as a ton of cub scout awards that don’t show as reported evidently. It makes no sense to have the report look at deactivated scouts…can that be fixed? Also, do you have a way we can force complete all the improperly marked records since they are reported already - or will I have to go into each and every record to put a date in.



Hi Steve,
I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I will change the report to ignore deactivated scouts, but in the meantime here’s a workaround for you:

  1. Create a IA 2.0 report that ONLY contains the awards you DON’T need to report to council.
  2. DON’T download it or upload it to BSA
  3. Click the “close this report” link at the top of the page. This will mark all of those awards reported at once.

If you do that, they won’t show up the next time you create a report.


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Excellent, I’ll get on that. Thanks!

Hi Dave,

I tried the workaround…deselected all the awards that I didn’t want flagged as reported to council, saved it and have a completed report… but when I went back in to do another report that should only show those previously not flagged it still shows ALL the old ones too. It may have failed during the save…save took a long time and ended up with just a white screen with nothing on it…maybe because too many records…yet I can access the report via Achieve. Also, for future use being able to click on a column header to sort by date would be nice, as it does in other areas of trooptrack.

Okay, thanks for trying it Steve. I need to make an update so that saving it doesn’t time out that way.


Crazy question, is there a list of which merit badge corresponds to which ID number?

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mijven: did you get a strange error?

I can’t get my file to upload due to this error:
Invalid Advancement ID of type merit badge: 150

Any one have any ideas?

I followed the instructions and uploaded to BSA. I believe that was successful. However, I’ve tried to close the report on TT but all the same records are still being pulled into subsequent reports. I’m wondering if it’s because of how many records were in my original report (1000+). The BSA system didn’t like it and I had to split the file into multiple smaller files to upload.

Is this also preventing the records from being marked in TT as having already being uploaded? When I attempted to close the report, it errored out but it looks like on the web page it’s been closed.

Any help?



I had some issues that I want to share with the Community to hopefully save some headaches. IA 2.0 has some pretty strict data validation. I had several scouts data not get input because their name was not formatted the same as what was listed in IA 2.0. They ALL had CORRECT BSA ID numbers, that was not the issue. I had two that were Jr, one the Jr was in the First Name field, the second was correctly using the Suffix Field in TT, however BSA isn’t consistent with how they have it. In IA 2.0, one of them the Jr was the Middle Name, the other it was with the Last Name. I will depend on how it gets input into Make sure you follow completely what is listed in IA 2.0.

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I asked the question on the discussions group and confirmed all data must match what is in Member Manager. Thanks again BSA.

Had the exact same problem. As I’m dealing with Boy Scouts (as opposed to Cub Scouts), many of my deactivated scouts have aged out of Scouting.

I need the same thing as I’m getting a merit badge error and feel like I could fix it myself if I had a master list.

Same here, I believe this is the Exploration merit badge.



There is no IA 2.0 #150 id number. But for some reason our system was saying that one existed. The Exploration Merit Badge should have the ID #153. I have just fixed the problem. Please re-download the report and upload it into IA2.0 and it should now work. Sorry if this caused any inconvenience.

Please let me know if you are successful. If not please, let me know.


Thanks Tyler! I think that did it.

One thing to note for others following along, you have to create and download a new report. The old reports will still contain the invalid #150 merit badge.

Thanks again,

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